Configure Store Credits | 99minds

Store Credit Configuration

With 99minds, store credits are stored within a store credit card with a number. Each customer will be allocated with a store credit card from where store credits will be added or redeemed depending on the use case. Customers can configure the store credits based on their business requirement from the Configure Store Credits screen.
  1. Expand Store Credits and click Configure
    1. Currency - Select the default currency for the store credit card
    2. Card Number Length - Specify the number of characters in the store credit card number. For example, entering 12 means the card number will be 12 characters long.
    3. Card Prefix - Add prefix characters to the card number for easy identification purposes. These characters will be N < Card Number Length. For example, you can prefix your store name as the prefix - AFS549AV92S1.
    4. Character Set - Specify the character set that you want to use for the card number - letters only, numbers only, or a combination of letters and numbers
    5. Barcode Required - Enable the toggle to generate a barcode for the store credit card. This option is turned off by default. When enabled, there is an option to select the type of barcode (Code 25 / Code 25 Interleaved / Code 25 IATA).
  2. Click Save to save the configuration settings
Configure Store Credits

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