Physical Gift Cards

How to Sell Physical Gift Cards

In this article, we will show you "How to Sell Physical Gift Cards" on our 9​9Minds Dashboard which is super easy to understand and use.
  1. Click on the Gift Cards option in the navigation bar on the left-hand side.

  2. Click on the Campaign submenu under Gift Cards.

  3. Click on the Plus Add Campaign button to create a new campaign.

  4. Enter the campaign name in the Campaign Name field in the form.

  5. Click on the Currency drop-down menu to select a currency for the campaign.

  6. Choose the required currency from the Currency drop-down list.

  7. Click on the Delivery Mode drop-down menu to select a delivery mode for gift cards.

  8. Select Physical as the delivery mode from the drop-down list.

  9. Click on the Campaign Type drop-down menu to choose the type of campaign.

  10. Select In-Store as the campaign type from the drop-down menu.

  11. Select Letters only from the character set options, or choose any option as per your requirement.

  12. Toggle off the Pre-Loaded Card option.

  13. Adjust the card number length to the required length by entering the value in the Input field.

  14. Toggle off the Pre-Loaded Card option and toggle on the Reloadable Card and Barcode required options.

  15. Enter the minimum gift card value in the Min field.

  16. Click on the Barcode required toggle to enable barcode generation for each gift card.

  17. Scroll down and click on the Select Barcode Type drop-down menu.

  18. Select code 39 from the drop-down menu as the barcode type.

  19. Enter the maximum gift card value in the Max field.

  20. Select the option Never for card expiration period from the drop-down menu.

  21. Click on the Submit button to save the campaign settings.

  22. Click on the Create Bulk Gift Cards button to proceed with bulk creation of gift cards.

  23. Enter the desired quantity of gift cards in the Quantity field on the form.

  24. Click on the Campaigns option in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.

  25. Select the Allow Gift Cards to be Sold or Issued option on the form.

  26. Click on the Create Gift Card button to generate the bulk gift cards.

  27. Click on the Action menu of a batch to view options.

  28. Select View Gift Cards from the drop-down menu.

  29. Click on the Download button to initiate the download of the gift card report.

  30. Toggle the Mask Gift Card Numbers switch if you want to hide parts of the gift card numbers for security.

  31. Click Export to download the gift card report.

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